Save the Carrizo
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The Carrizo has survived only through the care, efforts, and vigilance of its friends, including a number of governmental and non-profit agencies. This year has seen some encouraging news, for example the agreements reached thanks to Los Padres Forest Watch and the Sierra Club to regulate and promote sustainable livestock grazing. But there was little time to savor that success. Two proposals for large centralized industrial solar generation and transmission projects to be sited in the Carrizo have been permitted. These projects combined affect more than 12,000 acres on the grassy floor of the Carrizo - that is equal to 19 square miles of habitat critical for recovery of endangered species.
Despite the efforts of the Department of Fish and Game, national organizations like Defenders of Wildlife and the Center for Biological Diversity, and Commons’ members, an adroit public relations effort by the big solar corporations, one of them further emboldened and flush with cash from its acquisition by French oil giant Total, were successful in convincing local officials that the Carrizo is just an arid, lifeless, alkali wasteland, perfect for sacrifice so that Big Energy could enjoy the tax and other incentives for expedited solar development. We urge you to familiarize yourself with the facts. We will try to make accessible on this website materials from the administrative record and environmental review process for your easy reference and review. But things are moving quickly and after conferring with our affiliated members and organizations we have decided to try to immediately raise resources for a Save the Carrizo Fund. Please give what you can – no amount is too small to matter.

Donations of any amount are welcome and should be mailed to the address below.
Email for more information:
Send donations to:
Carrizo Commons
P.O. Box 13022,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406.