California Jewelflower
Home / carrizo species / california jewelflower
Legal Status: Federal Endangered Species / California Endangered Species
Range: Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Fresno Counties
Habitat: Occurs in non-native grassland, juniper woodland, and scrub com- munities
Size: Up to 20 inches tall
California jewelflower can be found in sandy loam soils between 240 to 2,950 feet in elevation. This annual species sometimes inhabits giant kangaroo rat burrow systems. From February to May, it can be identified by its maroon
buds and white flowers. Habitat for the jewelflower has declined primarily from agricultural conversion, competition from non-native plants, and urbanization.
General Protection Measures:
- Prohibit disturbance to existing populations.
- Define and respect clear work area limits.
- Control and remove invasive non-native plants.
- Preserve and replace topsoil in areas of temporary disturbance.
- Install and maintain erosion control measures.
- Restrict off-road vehicle use.
- Implementproject-specificmeasuresasrequiredbystateandfederalagencies.
California jewelflower is protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act and the California Native Plant Protection Act. Consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game before performing any work in California jew- elflower habitat. Penalties for harming or dis- turbing this plant can include up to $100,000 in fines and/or one year in jail.